After the Dragon Boat races, a group of us went to dinner. Across the table, one of my teammates was scanning the menu saying, “No, not going to eat that, it has petroleum…” Curiously I asked, “what in the world are you talking about petroleum being in the food?” She stated, “Most commercial oil used for frying at restaurants contains TBHQ”. I was floored! We’re eating petroleum?!!. Then she told me, her son – now in college - had been diagnosed with ADHD and instead of drugging him she opted to modified his diet following the Feingold Program. Amazingly, I had received my answer!! Thank you God!! I began researching the Feingold Program and the petroleum based chemicals to eliminate from my son’s diet i.e. Artificial coloring, flavoring, preservatives and fragrances.
The next challenge was getting rid of the poison in the pantry and replacing it with REAL foods. I learned how to read ingredients labels, and yes, making the first trip to the grocery a long one. A week later, my sweet, calm but energetic son started to emerge. This confirmed my suspicion that food allergies were at the root of his problem. Two weeks later, my son exclaimed, “Mommy!! I want to be a good boy.” My heart exploded with joy and gratitude as I heard my son speak his first complete sentence (as compared to only 2-3 words previously) confirming that he always wanted to behave but the chemicals were jumbling up his neurotransmitter communication.
After deciding to “GET REAL” and eliminate the chemicals, I visited a naturopath, who ran tests on my son’s immune system. He prescribed a plan consisting of detoxifying, nutritional supplements, probiotics (gut health) and most importantly Omega 3’s fish oil. I came out of the doctor’s office with a giant bag of supplements requiring lots of preparation time as my son could not easily swallow capsules.
I began searching for a simpler answer. I thought it would be awesome to find a all-in-one natural product. Then, I met someone who introduced me to a product called FrequenSea, a category above the rest. Containing everything we need including the Omega 3’s. Its main ingredient is marine phytoplankton the first known plant on the Earth, accounting for up to 90% of Earth’s oxygen supply and has 400 X the energy of any known plant on land or sea. The source for fish’s Omega 3 is micro algae, so FrequenSea is a great source of the essential Omega oils. We tried it and loved it! My son gets all his nutritional needs all in one product plus so much more. I’m just so grateful that I met that special someone who told me about this wonderful product. My mission is to educate & help parents who want to jump on the natural journey band wagon, so give me a call and I will be happy to help you GET REAL!
For more information, please contact.
Gala Rosborough,
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.