Ever heard…
“Well, we can discuss Ritalin”? I asked the doctor, “Are there any other natural options?”, “What about food allergies causing some of the out of control behavior?” Our pediatrician said I could go to an allergist, but he had not heard of any food allergies that could be connected. I asked the allergist to test my son for red food coloring allergy since I had heard it could cause out of control behaviors. The allergist gave us a month supply of Clariton and told us to come back if it helps. I was outraged that none of the doctors wanted to help the underlying cause. I was not going to put my son on dangerous, addictive prescription drugs that wouldn’t get to the cause, resulting in him having severe issues later in life; turning to street drugs. So, I went to the best source, God. I prayed for help because I knew He had the answer.