%PM, %08 %740 %2010 %16:%Jan

Free Health Seminar - Making Your New Year's Resolutions Stick Jan 23

Written by Shelley Jaffe
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How to Make Your New Years Resolutions StickSo it’s the New Year again and resolutions about eating better, getting into better shape and being more active abound. Year in and year out we make ourselves these promises, many to be broken leaving us feeling like we have failed. But what if there was a way to succeed? What if a workable technology existed to help you reach those goals? Well, it does and it is within your grasp. It is NOT some magic supplement or a multilevel marketing product. It IS invaluable information which will put you in the driver’s seat to reaching your goal of a healthy body.

Come to Peter Gillham’s on the 23rd of January at 6:30 p.m. for a free seminar that will help answer your questions about how to achieve the health and well being you desire.  The seminar will be delivered by three experts in the fields of nutrition, diet and exercise with combined experience of over 70 years in their fields. You will learn why past programs have failed to help you, how taking too many supplements may be making things worse and how the “no pain, no gain” approach to working out is causing your body long term damage. There is so much information and so many products out there selling themselves as miracles to weight loss and health. At this seminar we will debunk the myths and you will learn the actual scientific barriers to having a healthy body and the technology to overcome them. If you are ready to take control of your health and become totally causative over your body and its well being, you don’t want to miss this!  Seating is limited and filling fast, so call (727) 462-5770 to confirm today!



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