%AM, %15 %534 %2010 %11:%Apr

How to Cook Beans and Prevent Gas

Written by Winston Kao
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How to cook beans and prevent gasIndigestion, Gas and Over-Acidity Comes From Forgotten Probiotics and The Forgotten Art of Cooking Beans, Nuts, and Grains.

Ninety years ago every housewife knew exactly how to cook any seed, nut, bean or grain. However, fast foods, fast processes, and “short cuts” of every imaginable means were sought after. Today, most people have forgotten that all plants—through their seeds, nuts, beans, and grains—have a survival agenda. They want to be consumed by an animal, survive digestion, and then be excreted in a new location with a pile of growing medium (manure). How then do they survive the digestive tract? By making the seed full of anti-protein enzymes in order to prevent being digested. This is the reason that most people have gas following the consumption of beans, seeds, or nuts (cooked or uncooked). 

In nature all professional seedeaters have special organs designed to soak seeds or nuts to neutralize the anti-protein enzymes. Birds have esophagus pouches; squirrels and chipmunks have cheek pouches. This is why you must observe the tradition of ALWAYS pre-soaking all beans, nuts, or seeds.  This includes grains, as they too have some anti-protein enzymes, through much less than beans and nuts.

How do you serve beans yet prevent your family from having GAS?!!!!

Traditionally, beans are soaked overnight in clean water. The following morning the first batch of water is thrown away, the beans are rinsed in clean water, and a second fresh batch of water is added to the beans to continue soaking until the evening. In the evening, the second batch of water is thrown away again, the beans are rinsed again in clean water, and a third, fresh batch of water is used to finally cook the beans. This is especially mandatory for ANY bean cooking unless you use the following method. 

A more nutritious method to cook beans, with definitely less hassle: To better facilitate the soaking process, one can simply add 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of Inner Garden™ to the beans and water. Soak the beans overnight and the next day DO NOT dump the water. You can just start cooking for lunch or dinner. By doing this, you have started a slight fermentation process, which will first neutralize the anti-protein enzymes (prevent indigestion and gas issues) then start the production of some vitamin B complexes, vitamin E complexes, and many other healthful substances.

Inner Garden™ is the best probiotic one can consume, as it is a multi-family, multi-species probiotic. Other substitutes such as yogurt or other fermented products generally only have one family with many species of the lactose family generally.

In summary, always soak any bean, seed, nut, or grain overnight before cooking to neutralize the anti-protein enzymes. This will prevent indigestion, problems with gas, bloating, weight gain, and major increases in acidity, thereby reducing acid formation—the key to anti-aging.

For More information, contact Winston W. J. Kao
Natural Plus Plus, LLC  •  727-447-2344

Read 6388 times Last modified on %AM, %15 %535 %2010 %11:%Apr