%PM, %13 %642 %2007 %14:%Nov

100% Chlorine Free Pool & Jacuzzi

Written by Winston W. J. Kao
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Why is it that chlorine is commonly used in both swimming pools as well as the drinking water in most cities and towns? What is Chlorine?  Per the Oxford English Dictionary, Chlorine is a poisonous, irritant, pale green gaseous chemical element ORIGINATING from Greek khloros ‘green’.

Chlorine, a poisonous material, kills bacteria with relatively high efficiency. Unfortunately, with this benefit there are many serious detriments. Chlorine is a very reactive agent with a tendency to chemically bond with any and all organic materials that are commonly found in water, such as plant juice, bug parts, etc. When chlorine makes contact with these organic materials, it automatically turns into known or suspected carcinogens! How can this be good? There are many other choices that can healthfully replace chlorine’s wonderful bactericide properties without also creating carcinogens. Considering how frequently we hear of friends and loved ones dying from cancer, it would behoove us to take measures to stay away from chlorine.

There are three common fantastic alternatives to chlorine in a pool environment. 
Why is it that chlorine is commonly used in both swimming pools as well as the drinking water in most cities and towns? What is Chlorine?  Per the Oxford English Dictionary, Chlorine is a poisonous, irritant, pale green gaseous chemical element ORIGINATING from Greek khloros ‘green’.

Chlorine, a poisonous material, kills bacteria with relatively high efficiency. Unfortunately, with this benefit there are many serious detriments. Chlorine is a very reactive agent with a tendency to chemically bond with any and all organic materials that are commonly found in water, such as plant juice, bug parts, etc. When chlorine makes contact with these organic materials, it automatically turns into known or suspected carcinogens! How can this be good? There are many other choices that can healthfully replace chlorine’s wonderful bactericide properties without also creating carcinogens. Considering how frequently we hear of friends and loved ones dying from cancer, it would behoove us to take measures to stay away from chlorine.

There are three common fantastic alternatives to chlorine in a pool environment. They are the use of ozone, the use of hydrogen peroxide, and lastly the use of sodium percarbonate. Actually, all three of these are hydrogen peroxide technologies, as both ozone and sodium percarbonate convert into hydrogen peroxide. There are other alternatives, such as silver and copper (heavy metals which still require some chlorine added) bromine (a type of chlorine system) and salt water (also breaks down into chlorine). I choose the hydrogen peroxide systems because they produce a wonderful bactericide effect and virtually never cause the common ear infections, eye infections, chlorine smell, and that horrible burning sensation when you open your eyes under the water. Plus, when you swim in a hydrogen peroxide pool, you absorb oxygen through your skin which results in more energy and a feeling of revitalization, rather than getting the tired poisoned feeling that comes from chlorinated pool swimming.

A 100% Chlorine free pool system is extremely easy to maintain. One does NOT need to constantly watch the pH levels, pouring in pH up and pH down and other chemicals to maintain the pool. The pH will go up to 8.4-8.5 and just sit there.
    To create a 100% Chlorine Free Pool or Jacuzzi System, one needs to install my Water Conditioner for pools and Jacuzzis. In addition one has to add either hydrogen peroxide or sodium percarbonate (which will turn into hydrogen peroxide when it comes into contact with water). In order to have a healthy hydrogen peroxide pool or jacuzzi, you have three choices. You can install a large Ozone generator which is safe and convenient, though a bit on the costly side. The other alternatives are sodium percarbonate or 35– 40% tech grade hydrogen peroxide. Before you try anything, please call me first, as there are specifics on how to handle both hydrogen peroxide and sodium percarbonate in a safe manner.

Hydrogen peroxide/Water Conditioned pool systems only require observation of green algae patches forming at the bottom of the pool. One does not need to worry about pH testing or maintenance with the various toxic chemicals standard for a chlorine system.  My hydrogen peroxide and water conditioner system is truly simple. When the pool begins to grow small green patches at the bottom of the pool, you know the hydrogen peroxide is low and it is time to add some.

As long as one never adds pH DOWN TO LOWER THE pH, the pool will remain clear and your eyes will never burn. If someone adds even a little bit of pH down, you will no longer be able to open your eyes under the water without the burning sensation like most pools.

If you don’t like the fluoride, chlorine and chloramines that the city adds to your drinking and bathing water, there are wonderful systems that remove these toxins without taking out all of the minerals that are healthy for one and are absolutely necessary to maintain the water’s equilibrium. This is one of the reasons I personally dislike reverse osmosis water. Reverse osmosis processing takes out all the water’s toxic materials along with all of the necessary minerals resulting in a pH of 5.5 to 6.4 water which is too acidic by 100 times, when one should be drinking 7 to 7.5 pH water.  It is like throwing out the baby with the bath water.  What is left?   An acidic water that contributes to acidic body problems, such as Candida, acid reflux, etc. 

If you ever wonder why so many people disagree about distilled water, it is because there actually are four different kinds of distilled water, two of which are good for you and not commonly available, and two of which are very bad yet commonly available. Water is a very complex issue.  Most companies that sell filters are not completely honest about what they remove and what percentage it is removed.  I have been researching water for more than 20 years from the viewpoint of Nature and agriculture.  I have found that what is good for the plants is usually good for you, too.  I am honest.  I would never sell or recommend anything that I would not personally use or give to my family. 
By Winston Kao

If you have any questions regarding water, please feel free to contact me at:
727-447-2344 or  www.gobeyondorganic.com .

Read 3439 times Last modified on %AM, %05 %308 %2008 %06:%Mar