Tampa Bay Informer - General Health

General (39)

%PM, %01 %635 %2008 %14:%Dec

Depression: One Woman’s Revelation

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CCHR Logo.jpg“Depression” is an over‑used term to describe many symptoms, some of which are normal life stresses. When hearing the word, we simply put it into a category, in our minds of, “Well! Who hasn’t been depressed?” and, “Oh, they have pills for that kind of thing.”

In fact, the use of this term has been promoted by the psychiatric industry since 1952, at which time the first edition of psychiatry’s “Billing Bible”, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, was published.  This diagnosis has resulted in millions of people on psychiatric medication and billions of dollars lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry and psychiatry.

%PM, %22 %704 %2008 %15:%Sep

Body Work

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A word we could use for the basis of every disease in the human body is the word “STOPPAGE”.  We could have a stopped flow to any area whether it’s the blood stream, the lymphatic flow, even the nerve supply.  Stoppage is the BASIC, on why any area of the body gets diseased.  This is a case where the body can’t get nutrition in, and also can’t get the wastes out. 

Many people think of nutrition as “Food IN through the mouth and Waste OUT through the bowel”.  But every cell in your body needs to be fed.  You can drink the most nutritious juices and take the greatest most potent herbs in the world, and even assimilate them into your blood, BUT unless that nourished blood gets to the exact cell that needs it, that cell won’t get fed and IT WON’T GET WELL!!!

The power of bodywork is amazing.  MASSAGE and EXERCISE can get more blood circulating through the body and nourishment delivered to the organs, increasing the amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes from your juices and herbs to that organ.  It also gets wastes such as Carbon Dioxide, Toxins and Poisons out of those cells.  This all has to happen through your blood and your lymphatic systems.

%PM, %14 %923 %2008 %21:%Aug

Saba for Life

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PeterBlackerbary.pngWhat’s all the Buzz about Adaptogens?

Why are doctors, nutritionist and athletic trainers clamoring to get it to their clients and friends? I’ve been taking vitamins minerals and eating healthy for years and I had not heard of adaptogens until now...

%PM, %29 %573 %2008 %12:%May

TOPS Helps Teens and Kids Lead Healthy Lives

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To help reduce the number of overweight and obese children, the U.S. Surgeon General encourages Spot the Block, a campaign aimed at getting children ages 9 to 13 to read food labels to establish lifelong healthy eating habits.  TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) supports these efforts by helping families (parents and children) learn how to eat a healthy balance of foods and incorporate regular exercise into their lives.

It certainly worked for Jenna Clancy, now a high school freshman in Riverside, Rhode Island.  When Clancy first joined TOPS in 2006, she weighed 176 pounds.  By regularly attending weekly chapter meetings, making healthy food choices and exercising consistently, Clancy lost over 45 pounds. 

%PM, %22 %709 %2008 %16:%May

Trust and Confidence

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If you hope to make a favorable impression on your senior housing/healthcare lender, there really isn’t an option. When applying for a loan you’ll need to be forthcoming, advises Cambridge Realty Capital Companies Chairman Jeffrey A. Davis.

“The odds for obtaining a loan with the most desirable terms and conditions increase in direct proportion with the borrower’s knowledge of the business and his or her willingness to forthrightly share information the lender will need to underwrite and close the loan in a timely fashion,” he observes.

Davis is Chairman of Cambridge Realty Capital Companies; one of the leading senior housing/healthcare lenders in the nation with more than 300 closed transactions totaling $2.75 billion since the mid-1990s. Important to any relationship between borrower and lender is the understanding that information shared will be held in the strictest confidence, he believes.

%PM, %09 %685 %2008 %15:%May


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Bottled Water's Days are Numbered, says leading Environmental Magazine
Bottled water is out, and tap water is in, says the May/June 2008 cover story of E – The Environmental Magazine (now posted at: www.emagazine.com). Call it reverse snob appeal. These days, it’s the tap water enthusiasts, concerned about the environment, who get to act self-righteous. Just like it has become cool to bring your own cloth bags to the grocery store and your own mug to the coffee shop, the reusable water bottle is the hip, new eco-accessory.
In Canada, the bottled water issue has reached the level of an “uprising.” College students are staging protests -­ declaring “bottled-water free zones” on campus. High school activists are raising questions about why their school board members are locking them into a contract with Coke or Pepsi (makers of Aquafina and Dasani bottled water) when they have access to drinking fountains for free.


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Can You Be Labeled Crazy for Using Your Computer?For anyone who owns a computer or has a cell phone that they use for text messaging, you may want to take a look at what is bout to come down the pipeline of psychiatry’s fraudulent and ever-tiring attempt to label us all “crazy”. In The American Journal of Psychiatry this month, Dr. Jerald J. Block, Psychiatrist, announced that “Internet addiction appears to be a common disorder that merits inclusion in DSM-V” (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual).  At the bottom of the article it states, “Dr. Block owns a patent on technology that can be used to restrict computer access.”   What better way, then, to announce a mental health disorder that encompasses the use of computers and text messaging?

%PM, %03 %715 %2008 %16:%Apr


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It’s National Nutrition Month®, and Cabot Creamery Cooperative® offers

Americans healthy recipes to promote longer, happier lives as they age

CABOT, Vt. (February 19, 2008) – March is National Nutrition Month, and in support of the American Dietetic Association’s campaign to promote the importance of eating a healthy, balanced diet, Cabot Creamery Cooperative is helping Americans learn to eat better, smarter and healthier.  Research by the US Department of Health & Human Services shows that eating a variety of healthy foods in the proper proportions can help adults lengthen and improve their lives by reducing the risk of chronic diseases like obesity, hypertension, diabetes and cancer.


%AM, %01 %398 %2008 %08:%Jan

Business of being born

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Coming to Theatres Jan 2008 

Birth: it’s a miracle. A rite of passage. A natural part of life. But more than anything, birth is a business. Compelled to find answers after a disappointing birth experience with her first child, actress Ricki Lake recruits filmmaker Abby Epstein to examine and question the way American women have babies.

Watch the trailer
%PM, %20 %636 %2007 %14:%Nov

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

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To Vaccinate or Not to VaccinateWe have looked at the effect of a vaccine “shot” on a two month- old baby The first of a potential seventy-four “the authorities” consider necessary to protect your child’s health.  These “authorities” are expert at convincing young parents, at of the dire consequences of failing to observe the prescribed vaccination schedule:  Expert at stirring up old fears in the mind.
Where did this fear factor originate?  Could it be a just the fear of losing one’s beloved child?  Or does this fear go deeper ?  Could it be a shadow memory of centuries of devastating diseases stealing our children, decimating populations, and destroying national morale?  Ages of terror that remain buried in man’s collective consciousness: Long forgotten memories all too easily restimulated when our fear buttons are pushed, especially when it comes to our children!   So they accept the experts advice. 

%PM, %13 %652 %2007 %14:%Nov

Get Real With ADHD!

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forever_green_gala_blake.jpgEver heard… “Well, we can discuss Ritalin”?  I asked the doctor, “Are there any other natural options?”, “What about food allergies causing some of the out of control behavior?”  Our pediatrician said I could go to an allergist, but he had not heard of any food allergies that could be connected.  I asked the allergist to test my son for red food coloring allergy since I had heard it could cause out of control behaviors.  The allergist gave us a month supply of Clariton and told us to come back if it helps.  I was outraged that none of the doctors wanted to help the underlying cause.  I was not going to put my son on dangerous, addictive prescription drugs that wouldn’t get to the cause, resulting in him having severe issues later in life; turning to street drugs.  So, I went to the best source, God.  I prayed for help because I knew He had the answer. 
%PM, %13 %642 %2007 %14:%Nov

100% Chlorine Free Pool & Jacuzzi

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Why is it that chlorine is commonly used in both swimming pools as well as the drinking water in most cities and towns? What is Chlorine?  Per the Oxford English Dictionary, Chlorine is a poisonous, irritant, pale green gaseous chemical element ORIGINATING from Greek khloros ‘green’.

Chlorine, a poisonous material, kills bacteria with relatively high efficiency. Unfortunately, with this benefit there are many serious detriments. Chlorine is a very reactive agent with a tendency to chemically bond with any and all organic materials that are commonly found in water, such as plant juice, bug parts, etc. When chlorine makes contact with these organic materials, it automatically turns into known or suspected carcinogens! How can this be good? There are many other choices that can healthfully replace chlorine’s wonderful bactericide properties without also creating carcinogens. Considering how frequently we hear of friends and loved ones dying from cancer, it would behoove us to take measures to stay away from chlorine.

There are three common fantastic alternatives to chlorine in a pool environment. 
%PM, %13 %640 %2007 %14:%Nov

Why Healthcare Must Go Green

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julie_pearson.jpgGreen has always been my favorite color, though I didn’t know why until recently.  Now it is fast becoming the world’s favorite color, and thank goodness for that.  Whether more and more people are ‘going green’ and becoming more environmentally conscious because it is trendy and cool, or because they realize it is a necessity to ensure the survival of our race, I am glad to see it.
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