%PM, %22 %635 %2008 %14:%Apr

Could You Be Labeled Crazy for using your Computer?

Written by Laurie Anspach
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Can You Be Labeled Crazy for Using Your Computer?For anyone who owns a computer or has a cell phone that they use for text messaging, you may want to take a look at what is bout to come down the pipeline of psychiatry’s fraudulent and ever-tiring attempt to label us all “crazy”. In The American Journal of Psychiatry this month, Dr. Jerald J. Block, Psychiatrist, announced that “Internet addiction appears to be a common disorder that merits inclusion in DSM-V” (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual).  At the bottom of the article it states, “Dr. Block owns a patent on technology that can be used to restrict computer access.”   What better way, then, to announce a mental health disorder that encompasses the use of computers and text messaging?


  The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is often referred to as “Psychiatry’s bible”, a book that lists over 300 apparent and supposed mental health “disorders”.  This manual is created into existence by a show of hands - voted upon - by psychiatrists who deem that any given behavior is now and forever “a mental health disorder”.   

The creators and manufacturers of the fourth volume of the DSM were found and evidenced to have financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.   It states in an article out of University of Massachusetts and Tufts University entitled Financial Ties between DSM-IV Panel Members and the Pharmaceutical Industry:  “Of the 170 DSM panel members 95 (56%) had one or more financial associations with companies in the pharmaceutical industry. One hundred percent of the members of the panels on 'Mood Disorders' and 'Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders' had financial ties to drug companies. The leading categories of financial interest held by panel members were research funding (42%), consultancies (22%) and speakers bureau (16%).”  

Psychiatrists at the American Psychiatric Association Convention admit that there is no science behind diagnosing individuals with “mental health disorders”.  When asked, “Are there any medical or scientific tests for psychiatric disorders?”  Psychiatrists responded with the following:
- “There are no biological tests for any mental illnesses that I am aware of.”
- “There are not current available tests to verify your diagnosis.”
- “There is no real test, there is no specific test to differentiate between, let’s say Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder, not a single test.”
- “We have not really confirmatory tests for the diagnosis.”
- “There is no test, there is no biopsy you can do that says this person is depressed; this person is Bipolar.”
- “ We don’t have anything really currently to identify mental illness per se.”
- “No, there are no specific tests to confirm the diagnosis or to show the improvement, like any blood tests or any X-Rays or anything.”   

You can search the internet with “No Science-No Cures” and watch a video interview yourself. 

A survey of psychiatrists was done, and reported on in an article by Lawrence D. Miller, in 2005 that found that "one in 10 children in their practices does not receive a medication".  Labeling someone with a mental health "disorder" most often leads to psychiatric drugging, which can lead to even more "disorders" being attributed to that person (labeling).  It is a vicious circle that once stepped into, is difficult to extract oneself from.

Amphetamines, such as Ritalin, Adderall and Dexadrine are used to treat “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (ADHD) (one of the apparent disorders listed in the DSM).  Amphetamines are highly addictive and carry with them harmful side effects.  An FDA advisory panel voted to recommend that the agency order the inclusion of the most serious “black box” warning on all stimulant ADHD medications due to evidence of a potential risk of heart attacks, strokes, and sudden death along with suicidal thoughts.

The DSM lists Amphetamine Dependence as a mental health disorder!  Imagine that.  If someone takes an amphetamine that is highly addictive and then is dependent on it, they have a brand new “disorder”.  Furthermore, if someone has lost a loved one and needs to take the time to experience this loss, this too is considered a mental health “disorder” called “Bereavement”. 

Many of the psychotropic drugs have serious side effects such as tics or uncontrollable movements and yet psychiatry has decided that “Medication-Induced Movement Disorder” is one more label that can be placed on an individual for the rest of their life.  The fraud continues, with over 300 disorders that are not scientific based, including “Unspecified Mental Disorder(nonpsychotic)”.

In a 2006 New York Times article, "Proof Is Scant on Psychiatric Drug Mix for Young", Gardiner Harris reported that, "Last year in the United States, about 1.6 million children and teenagers  -280,000 of them under age 10  - were given at least two psychiatric drugs in combination, according to an analysis performed by Medco Health Solutions at the request of The New York Times.  More than 500,000 were prescribed at least three psychiatric drugs.  More than 160,000 got at least four medications together, the analysis found...but there is virtually no scientific evidence to justify this multiplication of pills, researchers say...the evidence in children is scant. And there is no evidence at all — “zero,” “zip,” “nil,” experts said". 

The Diagnostic Statistical Manual is a list of 374 invented "disorders" that will label a child or adult throughout their lives.  These labels are put in their medical records, school records, employment records and as evidenced by many researchers and doctors throughout the world, this is all a pretend science or pseudo-science. 

Laurie Anspach is a mental health activist and the Executive Director of Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Florida. For more information about this subject, Call Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Florida 800-782-2878

Read 1595 times Last modified on %PM, %18 %846 %2009 %19:%Jul