%AM, %20 %041 %2012 %00:%Aug

Clearwater Beach - Dolphin Pod Sighting at Pier 60... Featured

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You can see them too if you hurry – through September 4th 2012.

What started in July as a pod of 38 quickly grew to 50 creatively decorated 6-foot tall dolphins. In just 3 weeks, a team of artists turned each of the 80-pound fiberglass dolphin-shaped figures (provided by Icon Poly Studio in Gibbon, Neb)  into a uniquely fun art exhibit that colorfully enhances the already beautiful view at the entrance of Pier 60 on Clearwater Beach.
Since its arrival on August 6th, the Clearwater Beach Dolphin Art Project was an instant crowd-drawing-success. It’s expected to draw even more attention from the over 50,000 guests who will be in the Tampa Bay area for the Republican National Convention.

The dolphin art exhibit located just minutes from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium – home of “Winter”, who starred in “Dolphin Tale” - is a must see for all.

This fitting tribute to the bottlenose dolphin was truly a community effort by the City of Clearwater, the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, local area businesses, residents and artists. “Both sponsors and artists have had fun with their designs and naming their dolphins”, said project organizers.  

Be sure to make plans to visit the pod at Peir 60 on Clearwater beach and take advantage of this exciting fun photo opportunity.
Read 11066 times Last modified on %AM, %17 %062 %2014 %00:%Jul

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