%AM, %18 %441 %2009 %09:%Jun

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Prepared to Help this Hurricane Season June 2009

Written by Joshua T. Gillion
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Volunteer Ministers Recieved Training from the National Florida Guard in OrlandoMembers of the Church of Scientology Disaster Response of Tampa recently joined members of other faith-based disaster response organizations in a special Points of Distribution (POD) training session, conducted by the Florida National Guard in Orlando, in preparation for the coming 2009 hurricane season.

Over a two-day period, a retired National Guard major instructed the volunteers in the establishment and operation of a central location to care for the needs of people affected by a disaster; covering everything from how to establish a POD to how to organize the distribution of needed supplies, and the control of traffic through the unit. The volunteers drilled carrying out the various functions they will need to perform at the POD, so they will be prepared if and when disaster strikes.

Points of Distribution, or PODs, are locations where the public can pick up emergency supplies following a disaster. The need for a POD is based on the lack of infrastructure to support normal distribution of food, water, or other supplies after a disaster. According to FEMA, the success of a POD is directly proportional to the planning done beforehand. “With a developed strategy and coordinated effort,” FEMA training materials state, “your community will get those lifesaving commodities they need quickly and efficiently.”

In addition to the training they receive at sessions like this one, members of the Churches of Scientology Disaster
Response also train as Scientology Volunteer Ministers, learning techniques developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, that enable them to help people with their emotional and spiritual needs during times of crisis.

“Volunteer Ministers work directly with community leaders, officials, support personnel and citizens to bring order and real help in the face of any disaster.” Their website states, “When disaster strikes, the Volunteer Ministers are among the first to arrive.” In fact, in the past two decades, Scientology Volunteer Ministers, living by their motto: “SOMETHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT!”, have provided emergency service and real help at 126 worst-case disaster sites worldwide, making them among the most recognized independent relief organizations in the free world.

The Churches of Scientology Disaster Response of Tampa is sponsored by the Church of Scientology of Tampa. Visit their website at http://www.scientology-tampa.org/ to find out more. For more information about the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, visit their website at http://www.volunteerministers.org/.

The Volunteer Ministers also offer free online courses and a disaster response seminar on their website.

Read 2251 times Last modified on %PM, %23 %543 %2009 %12:%Oct

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