%AM, %26 %519 %2009 %11:%Oct

Florida State Fair Auditions Superheroes in Tampa Oct 29 and 30

Written by Alice Roses
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Florida State FairThe Florida State Fair is conducting a search to find the League of Fair-ness Superheroes for the 106th Florida State Fair taking place on February 4-15, 2010. 

Auditions will be held on October 29th and 30th at the Sweetbay Entertainment Hall in the Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa. Registration for auditions will take place at 11 am. The auditions will begin at 12 pm, and end at 7 pm.

Free parking for the auditions is available by entering using the US Highway 301 entrance gate. Video submissions will be accepted online at www.itssuperfair.com. The deadline for video submissions is November 1st at 11:59 pm.

Rules and guidelines are also posted online. Auditions are open to legal residents of the State of Florida, 18 years and up.
Individuals who are interested in auditioning live or by video submission must create their Superhero character after one of the following categories to be considered:

• Fair Food Characters
• Fair Animals/Livestock Characters
• Fair Games or Rides Characters

Simple instructions for contestants who plan to audition:

1. Create a Superhero based on something you love about the Florida State Fair.
2. Make or buy a costume and decide what your super powers are.
3. Shoot an audition video of you in your costume using your super powers. (Fantastic and fabulous are good, funny is even better.)
4. Upload your video to our contest site anytime before the deadline; or come in person to audition live at the Florida State Fairgrounds on October 29-30.
5. Be Fair-ly Super, and we’ll make you Fair-ly Famous!

Phase two of the contest will engage the public to vote for their favorite Fair Superhero character in each of the three categories outlined in the rules. The submission that receives the most votes in each category will be declared a finalist.  Winners will be announced by November 30, 2009 and may be chosen to star as Superheroes in the marketing campaign for the 2010 Florida State Fair. This could include television, print, online, and public appearances. 

The Florida State Fair is organized by the Florida State Fair Authority under the leadership of Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. For more information about the Florida State Fair or the Fairgrounds, visit online http://www.floridastatefair.com/

For more information on auditions, go to www.itsuperfair.com

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