%PM, %17 %633 %2009 %14:%Nov

City of Clearwater Upcoming Road Closures

Written by Ryan Sullivan
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Clearwater Road ClosuresThe following road closures will take place in the City of Clearwater:

- East Avenue from Cleveland Street to Franklin Street will be closed to northbound traffic from Nov. 18 to 20. Myrtle and Garden avenues can be used as alternate routes.

- The intersection of Lakeview Road and South Madison Avenue will be closed to traffic Nov. 17 and 18. South Michigan Avenue can be used as a detour route.

- Lakeview Road from Ewing to Martin Luther King Jr. avenues will be closed to traffic Nov. 19 to Dec. 4.  Ewing and South Martin Luther King Jr. avenues can be used as detour routes.

Call the City of Clearwater’s Traffic Operations Division at (727) 562-4776 or visit www.MyClearwater.com for more information on road closures.

Read 2438 times Last modified on %PM, %17 %633 %2009 %14:%Nov

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