Credit card debt is a problem for many people, but one man’s negative experience with it has inspired him to help others.
Peter Repak, president and founder of Clear Financial – a debt settlement company – emigrated from Hungary with his wife. In order to establish credit when he arrived in America, as is required in modern times, Repak got a credit card. He paid his bills on time, never missing a payment, but found himself in hot water when his wife became ill. She required two very expensive surgeries, and was unable to get health insurance due to a pre-existing condition. Under such financial strain, Repak called his credit card company, to ask if it would be alright to miss a single payment. The company said yes, assuring him there would be no penalties. However, Repak soon discovered the company had raised his interest rate from 6% to 29%. He was financially ruined.
Now unable to manage his debt himself, Repak turned to a debt settlement company for recourse. The company, like most debt settlement companies, charged him a contract signing fee of $50, a $300 set up fee, and $3000 up-front for the program, with $500 in monthly fees.
As fate would have it, his wife needed a third surgery, and Repak had to file for bankruptcy before finishing the debt settlement program. Instead of reimbursing the money he’d paid down for services he would never receive, the company kept his money, and he got nothing.
Completely disgusted with his experience, Repak made his own painstaking research of the matter, and to make a long story short, he opened his own debt settlement company so his horrible experience might not happen to other people. “I wanted to put integrity into this business, [and] to have the consumer in mind.” He takes satisfaction from helping people. He knows what his customers are going through, because he has been there himself.
Clear Financial charges a minimal fee up front, and the rest is paid only when the services are delivered.
Some have said that debt settlement ruins your credit. However, the people who need Repak’s services most likely have already ruined their credit and may feel that Bankruptcy is their only remaining option. Repak’s services are an alternative to bankruptcy.
Repak urges those who are feeling the pinch to seek help before it is too late. The stress of debt can make people do desperate things, like taking on more new debt to pay down old debt. He urges people to carefully investigate their options, so those in debt can have more control over their lives, and the power to fight back.
For more information on Clear Financial, visit their website or call 866-659-7966