%PM, %13 %606 %2009 %13:%Oct

VIDEO: Offshore Drilling or Offshore Racing?

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There are talks of putting oil rigs off the coast of Clearwater Beach, but on Oct 2nd through 4th, something else was looming offshore: Super Boat.

The 1st Annual Clearwater Super Boat National Championships were a success, benefiting the already established and lucrative tourism industry by bringing an estimated 20,000 people to Clearwater Beach, filling hotels, and picking up a traditionally slow month for tourism. Additionally, Super Boat required no tax dollars to produce. 

There are talks of bringing Super Boat back to Clearwater next year. Luckily, boats racing at up to 200 mph did not have any oil rigs in the gulf to bump into!

Watch this video to view our coverage of the races. 

Which would you rather have offshore super boats or oil rigs? Leave your comments below.

Read more about offshore drilling here

Read more about the Super Boat races here

Read 3939 times Last modified on %AM, %15 %506 %2009 %11:%Oct