%PM, %25 %644 %2009 %14:%Nov

Black Friday Sales Clearwater Listings

Written by Bryan Martin
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Black Friday SalesBlack Friday is the name given to the shopping day after Thanksgiving. This day marks the first day of the Christmas shopping season, and is a popular day for shopping since many people have the day off of work, and many stores offer wonderful sales.

The term “Black Friday” refers to the accounting practice of marking negative amounts in red ink, and positive amounts in black ink. It is supposedly such a lucrative day for retailers it makes their books go from “in the red” to “in the black,” hence the term, “Black Friday.”

There will be many shopping opportunities throughout the Clearwater area for those bargain hunters ready to take advantage of the shopping bonanza. Many stores will open early, for instance, Target is planning on opening at 5:00 a.m. 

Here is a list of some of the Black Friday sales going on throughout the Clearwater area with links to a description of the sale. 
Best Buy
Old Navy
Toys R Us 
Home Depot

For those who do not wish to brave the crowds to grab that special deal, many online retailers are still celebrating Black Friday. Online book seller Amazon.com is one of many sites with a Black Friday sale.

To view more listings of Black Friday sales, go to:

Read 4996 times Last modified on %PM, %25 %647 %2009 %14:%Nov