%AM, %04 %461 %2008 %10:%Jun

Grant Cardone Knocks Out Recession

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Ding…Ding… Ding…Ding…
“Ladies and Gentlemen… Welcome to the Economic Arena!
The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived.... LLLLLET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!
Fighting in the blue corner wearing “The Blues”…is the reining champion of financial uncertainty and worry…. Reeeecession… BOOOOOOOO!!!!
In the red corner, is our nine times undefeated (by “The Economy”) and defending champion…wearing our crimson hopes and dreams…Grrrrant Cardooone….Yeah!!!!!!!!!


Grant Cardone.jpg


Limited Seating Register Now for...

"THE MONEY SEMINAR" get $25 OFF enter TBI discount code



Ding…Ding… Ding…Ding…
“Ladies and Gentlemen… Welcome to the Economic Arena!
The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived.... LLLLLET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!
Fighting in the blue corner wearing “The Blues”…is the reining champion of financial uncertainty and worry…. Reeeecession… BOOOOOOOO!!!!
In the red corner, is our nine times undefeated (by “The Economy”) and defending champion…wearing our crimson hopes and dreams…Grrrrant Cardooone….Yeah!!!!!!!!!
Ding…ROUND ONE!…Ding….FIGHT!…Kabow..Kaboom…unbelievable, Cardone has just delivered a one–two punch and “Recession” has hit the mat. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10…KNOCKOUT!

Q: Who is this guy and how does he do it?
A: Grant Cardone is a rags-to-riches story. He was raised in Louisiana with a meager beginning, nothing fancy and was “just” a salesman -- a salesman with goals and purposes and driven for something better.
  When those around him told him to just “work hard”, “fit in” and “don’t get too much attention” he believed it for only a moment.   He knew he was destined to fulfill his own dreams so pressed forward until he discovered the exact formulas to break the agreement of the status quo.

Grant is now a world-renowned motivational speaker, author, real estate expert and successful businessman. He is a self-made multi-millionaire who has amassed over $100 million in real estate. He doesn’t just talk the talk from the podium -- he walks the walk, as demonstrated by his subsequent actions and own personal success in the field of residential and commercial real estate.

 Over the past twenty years Grant Cardone has lectured and motivated his audiences on not just how to make more money but how to communicate honestly. As a result, Grant Cardone has risen to the elite status of top motivational speakers and economic thinkers, advising and inspiring students, sales people, celebrities, top business leaders and government officials.

In addition to all his accomplishments he has been the guest on over fifty radio interviews as well as the Today Show, Access Hollywood, MSNBC.  And, he had a television show on ASTN, the Automotive Satellite TV Network, called “Cardone on the Floor”.  Mr. Cardone presently lives in Los Angeles, California with his beautiful wife and successful actress Elena Lyons.

Q: Sounds like Grant mainly help sales people or businesses; how    can he help the average Joe?
A: The truth is, that if you are having trouble in any area of your life - finance, career, marriage, etc. – you either have bad information or there’s something that you don’t know and aren’t applying. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be having the trouble.

“Cardone strips away past unworkable information and conditioning, and in their place puts forth viable truths which can be used to achieve levels of success people desire to have and can have.”
- Forbes.com

Q: When asked, “How do you do it?” Grant replied,
A: “Recessions are for Economies, NOT Individuals. The television, the radio and the economist continue to report how much is wrong with the American economy. Viewers and listeners then go into agreement with the reports and make the bad news a reality for themselves. I have been through about nine of these so-called pullbacks over my lifetime and have survived every one of them!

I am bringing my seminar on Finance to the Harborview Center in Clearwater on July 12th . During my seminar I will give you tools you can use to come out of these uncertain times not only undefeated, but more prosperous than before. So, if you feel there are things about money that you don’t know, if you’re not making the income that you desire or are not as successful as you want to be, my seminar will help!
And, for the first time ever - just so you don’t have any excuses not to attend - I am reducing the rate for my seminar by 85%, making the ticket only $150.”

Q: Is this one of those seminars where you walk away feeling on top of the world and wake up the next day (when the ether wears off) wondering what to do?
A: No. You will actually walk away with simple-to-use tools that you can use and when applied will get results.

Q: Grant, why did you pick Tampa Bay?
A: “My brother and sister in-law, Gary and Monica Cardone are Clearwater residents and they convinced me to bring my seminar to the Harborview Center for several reasons. Monica is a full time volunteer for The Community Learning Center and on the Board of the Clearwater Downtown Development Board.  She has attended my seminars and recognized the need in the Clearwater area for the tools that I teach.
  Being a family guy and a firm believer in giving back to those things that will improve the community, I agreed. This is also why I not only agreed to discount my normal seminar rate – making it possible for anyone to go – but I am also donating the seminar proceeds back to local community non-profits.

  Now more than ever, it’s the time for businesses and members of every community to pull their strengths together and as a well educated force improve the state of ‘The Economy’ and their own personal financial conditions . Come to my seminar to find out how!”

Q: How much are the tickets and where do you get them?
A: The tickets are $150 got to:


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DISCOUNT CODE: Tampa Bay Informer

When: Saturday July 12th, 2008
Where: Upstairs at the Harborview Center – Clearwater, Fl
Time: Event starts 11am Sharp
* Limited seating – Don’t wait  -- get your tickets now!

 All Rights Reserved by the Tampa Bay Informer - The Good News Newspaper

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