%AM, %21 %479 %2009 %10:%Jul

Gluten-Free Tips: Are You Confused About What Gluten Is?

Written by Janet Palmer
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Janet PalmerAs a personal chef, I get asked a lot of questions about many different types of diets.  One of the most important diet considerations to me as a chef is food allergies.  Gluten is a protein found in wheat, Oat, Barley and Rye products, which cause allergic reactions in the digestive system.

Many times conventional medicine does not test for food allergies, when a patient is complaining of abdominal discomfort after eating foods that contain Gluten ( i.e. wheat bread) .

USPCA MemberWhen I have a consultation with a prospective client one of the first things I ask is do you have any food allergies ( i.e. eggs, milk, shell fish etc.) ?  This way I know what things to eliminate from their diet when I am planning their menus, food shopping and preparing their meals.  I also limit the use of processed foods as much as possible.

I use as much fresh organic products as possible.  If I have to use processed foods I read the label carefully.  If I can’t pronounce the ingredient and I don’t know what it is, I will not buy the product.  Because hidden in the “unknown” ingredients could be something that would cause my client to have a reaction.  I tell my clients if they are food shopping and have food allergies, to stay away from the inside isles and the bakery.  Everything you need is in the fresh fruits, vegetable, meat and  dairy isles.

Magical MealsRecently I have joined resources with Suzanne Joseph of Hands On Health.  She specializes in diagnosing, Gluten Sensitivity, Celiacs, and Digestive Disorders. Once Suzanne has determined your specific food allergies, she will recommend what items you need to eliminate from your diet.  Many people are confused and overwhelmed about what they can eat on a gluten free diet and are not sure where to start.  So that is where a personal chef comes in to help them with the food transitions and makes it easy for them to enjoy their food.

If you think you might have food allergies and would like to be tested please call Suzanne Joseph at (727) 871-3100 or you can e-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  If you would like to learn more about my personal chef services, please contact me at 727-674-5005, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit my website www.magical-meals.com .

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