%AM, %26 %538 %2009 %11:%May

St. Petersburg College Offers Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine Program

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Instructor Demonstrating Chiropractic TechniqueSt. Petersburg, FL -- Starting in September 2009, St. Petersburg College (SPC) will be partnering with the National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) to offer a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine program.

This program will train students to be the first-call, primary care doctor and not just a “back doctor” patients see on the side. Graduates from this program will be qualified to diagnose, treat and manage a wide variety of conditions. They will be able to help patients manage anything from asthma to diabetes and heart health to allergies as well as joint and spinal care; with treatments including nutrition, lifestyle counseling and supplements, among other natural care techniques.

Chiropractors offer a valuable and valid alternative to mainstream medical care. SPC and NUHS will be providing their students with a full medical curriculum, with an emphasis on basic science, and “Of course they also receive a solid curriculum in neuromusculoskeletal care as well as a comprehensive set of drug-free and surgery-free health care modalities,” says Tracy Litsey, a representative for the NUHS.

The NUHS program is based on a philosophy of integrative medicine; i.e. students are trained and encouraged to work together both with MDs and other alternative-care professionals to provide their patients with the best treatment solutions possible. Or, as Ms. Litsey put it: “Instead of competing with each other, we believe these different health professions can work together and learn from each other.” This is why the NUHS campus in Illinois is one of only two in the country to host not only a DC degree program, but also degrees in naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and oriental medicine on the same campus. Only the DC program will be available at SPC this fall, but the NUHS hopes to introduce more of its programs in the future.

The NUHS was founded in 1906. Their main campus is located in Lombard, IL (a suburb of Chicago). Graduates of their DC program have gone on to become world leaders in the chiropractic profession. The NUHS has the highest admission and academic standards of any program in their field, they require enrolling students to first complete a bachelor’s degree and are the only doctor of chiropractic medicine program in the country to do so.

The NUHS DC program at SPC will be one of only two doctor of chiropractic medicine programs in the state of Florida. NUHS is currently accepting applications for admission to its St. Petersburg DC program online at www.nuhs.edu, or through its Admissions Office at 1-800-826-6285.


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