%AM, %19 %041 %2009 %00:%Aug

Last Rhino PAC Mixer before St. Pete Mayor Races at NOVA 535 on Wednesday, August 26th

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rhino_pac.pngRHINO P.A.C. will hold their third RHINO P.A.C. mixer on August 26th at NOVA 535 in St. Petersburg. During the RHINO P.A.C. mixer, citizens will have the chance to meet their future mayor and city council.

The St. Petersburg mayoral primary races will be held on September 1st, and to prepare citizens to make an informed and educated descicion on who they want to guide and shape their city for the next four years, RHINO P.A.C. is allowing voters to socialize with the candidates in an informal setting, allowing voters to quiz their candidates on the issues in a more personal manner. This is the final RHINO P.A.C. meet and greet before the St. Petersburg mayoral primary races.

RHINO P.A.C. will also be holding a mock election during the event with the assistance of the Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections. The mock election will be overseen by the Law Firm of C. Byron Stout. The poll will open at 6:00pm and will close at 8:30pm, the results will be certified and released immediately once they have been tabulated.

Scheduled to appear at the event are Mayoral Candiates James Bennett, Richard Eldridge, Kathleen Ford, Bill Foster, Deveron Gibbons, Ed Helm, Scott Wagman, John Warren and Larry Williams. Also Scheduled to appear are city council candidates Stephen Corsetti, Leslie Curran, Jason Diviki, Pamella Settlegood, Angela Rouson, Joseph Smith, Karl Nurse, Vel Thompson and Jeff Danner.

RHINO P.A.C. is a non-partisan organization with the purposes ”to help create a well informed voter through exposure  to issues and the candidates in a non-partisian environment” and  “to have a voice that the political leaders will recognize and respect.” RHINO P.A.C. is a group of nonpartisan individuals who are not affiliated with any political party, organization, candidate or campaign and who want to make a positive impact on the political scene. RHINO P.A.C. boasts that members of all political parties, donkeys and elephants alike, can still become RHINO's and promote positive change in politics.

To find out more about RHINO P.A.C., go to www.rhinopac.org.

Read 2421 times Last modified on %PM, %30 %585 %2009 %13:%Sep