%PM, %19 %628 %2007 %14:%Dec

Republican for a Day

Written by Judy Groveman
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Republican for  a  Day

Help Ron Paul win the Republican Primary election

Voting for Ron Paul

Ron Paul appeals to Democrats, Republicans, Independents and many others affiliated with third parties. While this certainly makes him a strong general election candidate, Ron Paul must first win the Republican Party nomination in the Primary Elections across the country.

In most states, you must be registered as a Republican in order to vote in the Republican Primary. If you believe that Ron Paul is right for this country, then Ron needs your help.
Be a Republican for a day.

I know that you might cringe at the idea of changing your affiliation. In fact, you may be a lifelong Democrat, whose parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were all Democrats. Maybe you are an independent who has sworn off party affiliations for reasons of principle. Maybe the thought of being Republican just disgusts you and makes your gut swirl with angst and pain.


Republicanfor  a  Day

Help Ron Paul win the Republican Primary election

Voting for Ron Paul

Ron Paul appeals to Democrats, Republicans, Independents and many others affiliated with third parties. While this certainly makes him a strong general election candidate, Ron Paul must first win the Republican Party nomination in the Primary Elections across the country.

In most states, you must be registered as a Republican in order to vote in the Republican Primary. If you believe that Ron Paul is right for this country, then Ron needs your help.
Be a Republican for a day.

I know that you might cringe at the idea of changing your affiliation. In fact, you may be a lifelong Democrat, whose parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were all Democrats. Maybe you are an independent who has sworn off party affiliations for reasons of principle. Maybe the thought of being Republican just disgusts you and makes your gut swirl with angst and pain.

The fact is that Ron Paul is not your typical Republican. He is distinctly different. And if you want to help prevent any possibility of a repeat of the last eight years, he needs voter support during the Primary Election. The only way to ensure Fred Thompson does not get the Republican nomination, or Romney (who wants to double our efforts at Guantanamo) , or Guliani (who believes that Democracy is willingness to cede to authority), or the other horrific possibilities is to game the system. You, yes you the Democrats and Independents, register as a Republican for a day. Vote for Rep. Ron Paul in the primary.

Please join me in support of Ron Paul and change your party affiliation to Republican, just for Primary Election day. You can change back to whatever you like the next day (as I'm sure you will). But please... Be a Republican for a day.

A Closed Primary requires that you must be registered as a Republican to vote for Ron Paul. If you live in Florida, which is a closed primary state, please be a Republican for a Day.

December 31, 2007 - Registration Deadline
January 29, 2008 – Primary



Read 2097 times Last modified on %PM, %29 %592 %2009 %13:%Sep