The Clearwater Marine Aquarium will release JoJo, an adult Loggerhead sea turtle on Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. The release will take place on Clearwater Beach behind the Palm Pavilion restaurant at 10 Bay Esplanade. The public is invited to watch.
“Showtime!” a volunteer from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium said as the Loggerhead sea turtle named Betsy was lifted from a truck, on a stretcher, on Clearwater Beach. The turtle, who had spent the past three months on rest and rehabilitation at the aquarium, was finally recuperated enough to be released back into the wild on August 27.
The Clearwater Marine Aquarium will help release a rehabilitated dolphin “Dunham” on Monday, July 27th.
Staff from the CMA and Gulf World Marine Park and Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute plan to release rehabilitated Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, Dunham. CMA staff rescued Dunham from Anclote Key Island in December 2008. CMA staff will monitor Dunham’s progress through the use of a VHF transmitter for two months after the release. This will help provide researchers with important information about his progress and travels.