%PM, %08 %634 %2009 %14:%Oct

Foreclosure Scams - What to Look for Tips from the Federal Trade Commission

Written by Pam Ryan Anderson
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Don't Let Criminals Make Your Stress Worse When Your House is in Forclosure

With the current financial scene, criminals are crawling out of the woodwork at an alarming rate, claiming to be able to rescue your home from foreclosure. The Federal Trade Commission has established a website where homeowners can educate themselves, learn legitimate options, and avoid being taken advantage of, as well as what actions to take if you have been the victim of a foreclosure rescue ‘scam’.

Their website is: www.ftc.gov/moneymatters

Here is an excerpt from the website:

How the Scams Work
“Foreclosure rescue firms use a variety of tactics to find homeowners in distress:
Some sift through public foreclosure notices in newspapers and on the Internet or through public files at local government offices, and then send personalized letters to homeowners. Others take a broader approach through ads on the Internet, on television, or in the newspaper, posters on telephone poles, median strips and at bus stops, or flyers or business cards at your front door. The scam artists use simple and straight-forward messages, like:

“Stop Foreclosure Now!

“We guarantee to stop your foreclosure.

“Keep Your Home. We know your home is scheduled to be sold. No Problem!’

“We have special relationships with many banks that can speed up case approvals.’

“We can save your home. Guaranteed. Free consultation.

“We stop foreclosures every day. Our team of professionals can stop yours this week!”

The website informs you of common tactics to get your money, such as the Bait-and-Switch, having you sign documents that actually transfer your Title to the scam artists, or the Rent-To-Buy Scheme where the scam artist has you sign the Title over to them (or someone very qualified to get a new loan) from whom you can continue to rent your home, and buy it back in a few years. This plan is fraught with bad terms and roadblocks and will only cause you to lose your home in the long run.

This is a very helpful website if you are facing foreclosure. Contact a Realtor for helpful advice before making any unwise decisions that can cause you more stress than you are already facing.

For more information, call Pam Ryan Anderson, Short Sale Specialist, Ryan Realty, 727-442-2822 or e-mail Pam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 1967 times Last modified on %PM, %21 %715 %2009 %16:%Oct