In this brand new feature film, one of the most beloved family tales of all time comes to life in an enchanting combination of live-action drama and animated adventure. It’s the story of a young boy named Toby who is sent by his busy father to spend the holiday season in the home of his stern grandmother. Toby’s world instantly changes when he discovers the house’s ‘magic attic’ where three forgotten toys – including a special stuffed rabbit – unlock a world of imagination that will change all their lives forever. The voice talents of Golden Globe® winner Jane Seymour as Mother, with Emmy Award® winner Tom Skerritt as Horse and Oscar® winner Ellen Burstyn as Swan star in this heartwarming story about how we bring the things we love to life, inspired by the classic children’s book by Margery Williams and directed by Michael Landon, Jr.
Family1 Films is an integrated entertainment company committed to producing and distributing movies that tell great stories – entertainment that inspires, educates and motivates families to explore the world around them together. With an outstanding network of production, promotional, distribution and exhibition partnerships, all with extensive experience in the family market, Family1 Films develops high-quality film content and entertainment the whole family will enjoy.
- Tampa Bay Informer
The Good News Newspaper
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